Monday, December 6, 2010

Yesenia's Baby Shower.

The last two Saturdays I hosted a baby shower for my sister - one in St. Anthony and one in Meridian.  They were so much fun! She looks absolutely beautiful and is so gracious.  We had a great time with the games and the food was so delicious.  She received a lot of great gifts but the best was just having all her friends there to give her advice and good wishes with her baby boy.

We had Panda Express catered and sandwiches for the kids.  I loved all of the decorations and the setup.  We went with a Winnie the Pooh theme.  I also had a cake made for the party and it was so funny! It was a baby's bottom cake.  I'll post pictures soon.  It was so well made and it was delicious!!
I think my favorite game was the poopy diaper game and the video of Lionel answering questions.  They were hilarious! It's funny...she got four questions wrong and one partially right! :) They are definitely going to talk about those.  She looks so happy in all her pictures and I'm so happy I got to be a part of it.  Thanks Yesenia and welcome baby boy LJJ, soon.  I love you guys!


  1. That is very exciting news! I bet your parents are elated! Your sister is going to make a beautiful, wonderful Mother!

  2. Really charming and the work and arrangements that you done is really appreciable.Thanks for sharing these cute pics.Winnie the Pooh Baby Shower
