Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Alexis is 7 months old :)

Another thing I forgot to blog about - my baby is 7 months old! Wow! She is so adorable. She sits completely on her own but is refusing to crawl, haha.  She hates being on her tummy but she rolls over to get what she wants or else stretches really big :) its so funny to watch her.  Of course her jabbering has gotten even more insane but its super funny.  She is getting redder hair every day and her eyebrows are looking more and more like her Daddy.  She is such a doll and we loves her to bits!!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, she is BEAUTIFUL! I can't believe she is already 7 months old. It's always been crazy to me how fast time passes after you have kids. She looks like such a happy baby, you guys are obviously doing lots of things right.
