Friday, June 11, 2010

Fun Days.

It has been such a whirlwind year.  I am just now getting the opportunity to sit down, catch my breath....and look at the disaster that is my house, lol.  I cleaned out the kitchen and fed the kids, now I have to tackle the bathrooms and our bedroom because it is not a pretty sight.  I hate dirty bathrooms.  Ick.

Alexis has been super needy since I've been working.  I get home and she cries and screams if she isn't with me.  Last couple of nights trying to put her to bed has been pure hell.  Last night it took over half an hour of crying and lots of unproductive coddling to get her to calm down and go to sleep, at 11:30pm.  She is doing a lot of fun stuff though.  She eats her food now without complaint the only problem is she's given up on vegetables and is a fruit lover now.  It used to be the opposite.  So I sneak her veggies into her oatmeal.  She isn't fooled :) but eats it anyway.

Work is going great.  I am so busy there that I don't even see the time fly.  I am finally starting to get better from this cold.  Thank goodness.  I really don't think I could've taken much more of it.  We did a photo shoot for UL magazine on Wednesday.  That was a lot of fun.  I am very thankful to have a day off today but am excited to get back to the grind.

Kort is loving playing with his band on the weekends.  It gives him time to get away and do what he loves.  It makes me happy watching him do what he's so passionate about.  Our trip to Las Vegas was wonderful and much needed, now we're all better and ready to tackle the days ahead.  I can't wait for Eclipse to come out so we can have a girls night out and watch it.  It is something I've been waiting for forever!! I don't care if other people don't like it, I'm a TwiFreak! Hahahahaha!

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