Thursday, September 23, 2010

Four Teeth!

Now I now why Alexis has been screaming and crying miserably at night...she popped her fourth tooth! Now she has two on the bottom and two on top.  Last night she was much better at sleeping.  Woke up once and for the sake of letting Kort get some sleep, I cuddled with her for five minutes then she was out.  She is doing the cutest things even more.  She purses her lips and makes funny faces to make you laugh.  Yesterday I was scolding her for touching Daddy's stereo equipment and she crawled over to me and deliberately gave me a big kiss on the cheek then leaned back and smiled! Amazing! Kort says she gave him kisses yesterday too out of nowhere.  It's so amazing and such a wonderful feeling.  Not to mention she now goes from standing up to bending down to get on the floor instead of just plopping down.  I'm so amazed at how smart and beautiful babies are.  We Mom's are a lucky bunch!

1 comment:

  1. What a cutie! She is getting so big. Just wait until she walks :) Hope you are doing great.
