Friday, September 3, 2010


I am so excited! This Fall/Winter seasons are going to be amazing :) I am planning my angel's first birthday party which is going to be a blast, then a fun Halloween party, and my sisters baby shower in November. I have all these ideas floating around in my head and now I just need to start working on it.  It is going to cost me quite a bit for Alexis's first birthday party but I think it will be so worth it! It's more of a milestone for me than for her, so I'm going to enjoy it.

I tried on her outfits for Halloween and her party and neither one fits! Her little Pumpkin Fairy outfit is wayyyyyyy too small.  Her Snow White outfit almost fits its just a little snug, so I'm thinking in two months it won't fit anymore.  We shall see, I suppose.  And I know for sure she won't wear the pretty little wig I bought her, lol.  She threw it off and then looked at it with disgust.  It was pretty funny.  In any case I can always buy her something else :) more shopping for me!


  1. Those costumes are so cute. I hope Alexis birthday party goes great. Makes me kind of feel bad for Caleb, he has never really gotten any birthday party, but I think when his birthday falls is partly to blame. She is growing up so fast and is so cute:)

  2. I love both outfits, they are adorable!! Your sister is having a baby??? Sooo exciting!!! Do you know what she is having?

  3. She's having a boy! We're so excited :)
