Saturday, March 7, 2009

Hi! We're the Haws family. Kort, Marbella (Bella for short) and our soon to be little one, Baby (unnamed as of yet). A lot of my friends have blogs that really help me keep up with everyone's busy life, so we decided to get one to make it easier for you all! What can I say, I'm just that considerate :) lol.

There is so much going on in our lives right now. I'm in beauty school, Kort works full time to support me (yay!) and I work part-time to support our fast food addiction. We have a little baby on the way and we're so excited. I found out about a week ago and have really been eating well and doing everything my book says to make sure Baby is comfy and healthy. By the way, I refer to my book a lot! It is "What to Expect When You're Expecting," latest edition. It's so wonderful to have it. My awesome friend Sarah gave it to me and I love her all the more for it! My first doctors appointment is on Wednesday, March 11th. I can't wait! I have so much that I want to ask my doctor, even though the nurse has already received a few calls, hahaha. My doctors office is so helpful and everyone there has been nothing but wonderful to me.

A little about me and Kort. Kort is an excellent musician and avid videogamer. He likes all that dorky stuff. But he looks so cute playing his video games. His passion is the guitar and is fantastic at it. He's a music and movie buff, too. And so hot. Man I lucked out. :) I like to read and watch movies and hang out with friends and do hair and makeup. I am in beauty school about 1/3 of the way through and loving what I do. The whole Paul Mitchell system is awesome. I like the energy of our school but some of the people make me want to stay home, a lot. But you get that everywhere you go, right? That's me being half pessimistic and half optimistic!

As far as baby is concerned, there isn't much news there except what you would expect. Baby makes me crazy! I have sporadic morning sickness, but when it hits, it hits HARD. I feel like my breasts are going to explode from being so tender and swollen. My stomach feels like I've done a million sit ups and I am sore the next day. My sense of smell is all out of whack. I have always loved tuna and lately, I can't even smell it or think about it. Just one sniff of the stuff and everything that I'd had to eat was instantly on the floor. Not a good thing. I have had cramping, a little more than I thought I would, but my nurse said it was normal. It was a good sign that the baby is in there getting acquainted with my insides :). All in all, Baby just likes to wreak havoc on my emotions and senses...guess it must be mine. (wink, wink)

Well, that's us. We're so blessed and so happy.


  1. Marbella, it is so nice that you have a blog (Now all you have to do is keep it up to date) I hope you will keep me posted w/ how you are doing

  2. Congrats on the little baby on the way!! I'm so excited for you. Yahoo!! You will make a wonderful mommy:) Love Brad, Jennifer & Olivia
