Friday, October 30, 2009

The Waiting Game.

All along, I've been saying "I hope my baby isn't a Halloween baby." Well you know what? I am so uncomfortable right now that I wouldn't care if she was born on Halloween, or as my Mom-in-Law says a 'spook baby.' Seriously. For the past week I have been sleeping a couple of hours then up to pee, three more hours then up to switch positions and try to fall asleep again, etc... An entire week of less than a couple of hours of sleep at a time and I'm exhausted! I know its my body's way of getting me prepared for what I'll experience with the baby, but man its hard. Thank goodness my little girl is worth every ache and pain and discomfort. :) And not to mention Kort has to go through it all too, lol. Every time I get up or switch positions he thinks I'm having contractions or am going into labor and is asking me if I'm okay, how I'm sleeping, rubs my back, or whatever I need. It's so cute and honestly, very much appreciated because it makes me feel better remembering I'm not alone in this. I love my hubby!

On a different note, I found a table on CraigsList that I want, but its a little out of my budget by $50. I want to call and make an offer on it, but is asking $50 less really lowballing them? I'm just not sure. I think its worth a shot and if they feel insulted by it, the worse that they'll do is say no and its off hunting for a different table again. With all the new house expenses, and there have been a lot, we just don't want to purchase a brand new table especially since we hardly use it except for the holidays or when we have company over for dinner. I guess now that we have our own home, we can start inviting our friends/family over more often and it will actually get used. Hmmmmmm...

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