Friday, December 11, 2009


I think Alexis is teething.  I read that they don't start teething until three months, but she always has her hand in her mouth and she is drooling.  I thought she was hungry so I tried to feed her but all she did was bite down on me, so I put my finger in her mouth and sure enough she just wanted to suck on it and rub it on her gums.  She did that for several minutes and never got fussy.  Usually when she's hungry and we try to put anything in her mouth other than a breast, she'll suck for a few seconds and then start wailing!  I think we need to buy her some teething rings already. 

Alexis has been so good for the second day in a row.  She slept for four hours at a time two nights ago and last night again for three and a half hours so I actually got some sleep!  It feels so good.  She has been awake longer so I get to play with her and now she giggles.  Its the cutest thing.  You wouldn't believe how much your heart melts and how teary eyed you could get when you're kid does something that is because of you.  I had her down on her belly and I was playing with her and reading her a book, and I rubbed her back and was tickling it and she just started to giggle.  It was only for a few seconds but at that moment, I realized why they say there's nothing like being a mom.  Having your own baby to love and care for is the most wonderful experience.  I just didn't think or believe that anything could ever feel like this.  She's so precious.  This picture of her is when she was two days old. She's gotten so much bigger in such a short amount of time.  I am reminiscing already!

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