Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Induction. Preeclampsia.

I had my doctor's appointment today and Dr. King said I have preeclampsia. My blood pressure is too high and I have protein in my urine.  I've been feeling nauseous for several weeks but haven't thought anything of it and of course I'm swollen like crazy, but again, I thought it was all part of being pregnant.

Turns out I am going to be induced tomorrow and we were advised that there's a 50% chance I may need a C-Section because I've still not dilated further.  She said if I did dilate it was only slightly which isn't good enough.  They are applying a gel to get things going and then pitocin intravenously. She said look for about 8-12 hours of labor first.  This pregnancy sure has been hard but now with her being so close to being with us, I feel like the last 41 weeks were a breeze.  I don't really care that I was sick for the first 4 months, and miserable from the 6th month up until a few weeks ago.  She's so worth it!

Kort and I are extremely excited that we are going to have Alexis with us tomorrow, however she arrives.  I will do everything and anything the doctors/nurses tell me to, to ensure my baby girl is safe and healthy!  We just can't wait and are going to be in bed early tonight because we have to be at the hospital by 6:50am, and that's a 40 minute drive.  Ah! So super excited :) :) :)


  1. That is a lot to take in, in such a short amount of time. Yikes! I hope regardless of a vaginal or c-section, the deliver is easy and as plesant as it can be for you and Lexi :) Wow!!!

  2. Wow, glad to know she will be here soon. Good luck w/ all. Can't wait to see some pictures.
